Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father ... James 1:17

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Party of 7!

Our first 48 hours in Ethiopia were very challenging and humbling -- and in retrospect humorous. Thanks to jet lag and fatigue I can't remember how much I shared in my Gotcha Day post, and I can't seem to go back and view it, so I might be repeating myself here, sorry.
Mary-Aster was quite sick the first 12 hours we had he. She vomited on Hannah on in the car on the way to the guest and continued to vomit and have the worst diapers I have ever seen (even after 4 children). She finally started keeping down small amounts of water and turned the corner. In the meantime, Katy woke up vomiting and Luke followed shortly. We had so many bodily fluids go so many directions I didn't know what to do. We were all still having jet lag issues and was so weary. This is not the adventure and family bonding I had imagined.
It was in the dark morning hours when I couldn't sleep but my body was screaming for it, that Satan attempted to discourage and steal the joy I knew God had for us. I was humbled and cried out to God - is this what you brought us here for? We don't know when we arer going home and everyone is miserable and homesick, and this is what You wanted for us?
And then I had friends emailing and Texting how much everyone was praying for us - sending me scriptures of encouragement - and boosting my spirit with the reminder that God is for us and HE will carry us through. At that moment I realized nothing I did or could do was going to change these circumstances -- I musts rely completely on Christ.
I am very happy to report that everyone is great and popped by quicker than I have ever seen. Luke has enjoyed 'sledding' on bucket lids down a steep ramp on the side of the guest house -- the screams of delight are hilarious. Emily has made friends with the ladies that work here and is their little helper delivering laundry and such. Katy can be found out front kicking the soccer ball around with the guest house guard. And Hannah has enjoyed playing games with me and watching the daily life of the local people. So, you're probably wondering about Craig. Well, as most of you know, one of these things I love most about my sweet husband is his love for life -- he lives it to the fullest and experiences all there is to experience.
So, in typical fashion he has taken Luke 'hiking', to the store to buy sugar cane, and todya they joined some local boys for a feisty game of football (soccer). Last but not least, Mary-Aster is enjoying her new family -- she is smiling and babbling more. We can also she see is enjoying the freedom of walking around and playing with her siblings.
We are blessed and richer for this experience already! We also received some hopeful Embassy news. Please pray the rumors are true and that God will bless us with favorable timing.
I can't post pictures right now, but have some CUTE ones coming.


  1. Wow! Thanks for sharing, and I'm so glad you guys are feeling better. Praying you get to have your embassy appointment on Tuesday!!

  2. yay!!! loe the update thanks!!
    praying for yall all the time
